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When it's a bring your own tea cup event, we've got just the thing! A tea cup tote bag! These darling creations include a circle pad, a napkin and a pocket for your tea bag.
Inspired by the Victorian Reticule Purse of old, Nannette Stewart Originals has created these delightful tea cup totes which double as purses!
Each tea cup tote is crafted from one of our lovely feminine cotton fabrics inner lined with soft batting. The tote bottom is reinforced and will carry a saucer up to 6 inches in diameter. A separate, matching saucer pad and 14-inch napkin complete the drawstring carrier, which are accented with varying ribbons, laces, bangles and vintage buttons.
To Use: Place your saucer into the tote. Lay saucer pad on top of saucer and place tea cup, right side up, on pad. Tuck napkin into teacup and fluff around the outside of cup for extra padding. Tuck your favorite tea into the tiny tea bag pocket! Pull the drawstring, and off you go!
You can use your tea cup tote as a purse as well!