Design Your Perfect Space!  An Awesome Tea Party Activity.

Just thought of an awesome tea party activity, especially when there guests who don't know each other.

Create a beautiful space (in your mind) with no constraints of time, money, etc., and share about what it would be like.

Where would it be?  What would be on the walls?  Where would be your special place to sit?

I got this idea because I was hanging Susan Rios Art all over a wall in my mind, because I don't have room in my house! LOL

March 03, 2016 by Nancy Guenther


Lisa Palmese

Lisa Palmese said:

Thank you it is true is a perfect time right now to start planning a celebration of Spring Tea Party. And once you start thinking about it and your mind you can start jotting down ideas looking at party favors like the beautiful Teacups you have wrapped and so many other beautiful items you have that you could use as favors for your Spring Celebration Tea Party

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